
Gender: Female - fuwufanwei

Podcaster Summary

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Podcaster Information
Topics I Can Talk About

Podcast and Media Appearances

Yes-No Questions

  1. Do you have clear and realistic goals that align with the coaching services I provide?

  2. Do you maintain a positive attitude and take responsibility for your actions?

  3. Are you respectful towards others, including myself as your coach, and open to collaboration?

  4. Do you demonstrate emotional maturity, self-awareness, and resilience?

  5. Are you self-motivated and proactive in pursuing your personal development?

  6. Are you willing to commit time and effort to the coaching process?

  7. Can you hold yourself accountable and follow through on agreed-upon tasks or action plans?

  8. Are you open to receiving feedback and applying new concepts or strategies?

  9. Are you resourceful in problem-solving and seeking solutions independently?

  10. Do you feel that there is compatibility between us as coach and student, in terms of coaching style and expertise?

  11. Do you lack clear and realistic goals that align with the coaching services I provide?

  12. Do you struggle to maintain a positive attitude and take responsibility for your actions?

  13. Are you lacking self-motivation and proactivity in pursuing your personal development?

  14. Are you disrespectful towards others, including myself as your coach, and resistant to collaboration?

  15. Do you lack emotional maturity, self-awareness, and resilience?

  16. Are you unwilling to commit time and effort to the coaching process?

  17. Can you not hold yourself accountable and struggle to follow through on agreed-upon tasks or action plans?

  18. Are you resistant to receiving feedback and applying new concepts or strategies?

  19. Are you lacking resourcefulness in problem-solving and seeking solutions independently?

  20. Do you feel that there is incompatibility between us as coach and student, in terms of coaching style and expertise?

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